His appearance often is one of caring, yet there have been the many times when the bad Jay McGinley aka start loving surfaces. Yes, start loving as he refers to himself as seems to be missing what love is all about. What happened to where deserted his own flesh and blood, yet uses all sorts of mental convincing tools to drive people towards his agenda? What? He has been volunteering for the White House 24 hour anti-nuclear peace vigil and Concepcion Picciotto. There have been many times when he would clearly give her an ultimatum to change to the way best satisfying his agenda or else. The or else often included him deserting her and the vigil. Jay McGinley even expressed many times of hating people. Once of those was a Jay Houston Marx. We will be bringing you the truth of his dedication to one particular political affiliation at any cost, his agenda for your being, money and support.
Check back in time when we bring some of the answers ... .
Is he a CIA spy?
Is he sane?
Is he for an agenda of man?
Has he stated humans can alter Revelation for mankind and do so in accordance with Scripture?
Has he avoided, evaded and/or deceived?
Has he communicated information with is not truthful and forthcoming?
Did he abandon his child?
Was he actually employed with a firm making over 100,000.00$ and living in a house worth over 250,000.00?
Has he supported and/or covered up for a person or persons involved in illegal drugs?
Did he assist in helping Julie M. Conner get away with opening someone elses mail?
Why do his tattoos often appear to fade and get darker? Isn't intentional defacing ones body the work of evil and/or harm?
Are his tactics more prone to be physiological than spiritual? We will let you know, then become sure!
Has he ever been abusive to Concepcion Picciotto?
Are his hunger strikes more political instead of spiritual?
Are his hunger strikes nothing more than his willingness to commit suicide under the mask of doing something righteous? Where in Scripture does it give him support to do harm to ones self ? Is he a work of evil and/or an agenda no tin accordance with Scripture?
We report, YOU DECIDE!
Who's doing this?